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Gyrodactylus salaris

Species Validity and Additional Data
Validity (0=valid name)Detailed Description (if present)
0Authored Description

Host Species
SpeciesHostPrimary Host (=1)
Gyrodactylus salarisCoregonus lavaretus0
Gyrodactylus salarisGasterosteus aculeatus0
Gyrodactylus salarisOncorhynchus mykiss0
Gyrodactylus salarisPhoxinus phoxinus0
Gyrodactylus salarisPungitius pungitius0
Gyrodactylus salarisSalmo salar1
Gyrodactylus salarisSalmo trutta0
Gyrodactylus salarisSalmothymus obtusirostris0
Gyrodactylus salarisSalvelinus alpinus0
Gyrodactylus salarisSalvelinus fontinalis0
Gyrodactylus salarisSalvelinus namaycush0
Gyrodactylus salarisThymallus thymallus0

Original Reference
"Malmberg, G."1957Om F?rekomsten av Gyrodactylus p? Svenska Fiskar."S?rtyrck ur Skrifter Utgivna S?dra Sveriges Fiskerif?rening ?rsskrift,"195719-76
Hamulus Drawing
Click on picture to see a larger version.

Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Marginal Hook Drawing
Click on picture to see a larger version.

Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Hamulus Photos
Click on any picture to see a larger version.

Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Marginal Hook Photos
Click on any picture to see a larger version.

Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar
Hamulus SEM Photos
Click on any picture to see a larger version.

Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (March)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (March)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (March)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (March)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (May)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (May)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (May)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (May)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (Nov)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (Nov)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (Nov)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (Nov)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (Nov)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (Nov)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (Sept)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (Sept)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish) (Sept)

Marginal Hook SEM Photos
Click on any picture to see a larger version.

Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)
Gyrodactylus salaris Salmo salar (Swedish)

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